What’s CrossFit Got To Do, Got To Do With It?

Tina Turner asked that question about love in 1984. If you’ve looked at my website, you might be asking what’s CrossFit got to do with my audiobook narrating career. The answer is, well, almost everything. If you know any CrossFitters, you know they love to talk about CrossFit: the workout of the day (WOD), cleaning, […]
Late Bloomer…The Life of a Reluctant Bud

I hate to be late for appointments, deadlines, or events. Don’t you? But somehow, I have realized I’ve been late to the party for the big stuff. I was late in finding the perfect husband; late in furthering my education at the college level; late in having children; late in becoming a CrossFit athlete; and […]
Alone in the Booth…The Tiny Stage

There are so many things for an actor to love about audiobook narration. Here are a few of my favorites. I love that feeling of oneness with my characters. I love being them from the inside. I enjoy that “in the zone” feeling that comes with the emotion of living their lives. I relish their […]